Sunday, January 31, 2010

97. Daft Punk – One More Time (2000)

The French never knew how to make pop. Their approach to music is too brainy, and in pop the trick is rather to forget everything you know, and give yourself up to the new experience. In French pop, and that's true throughout the twentieth century and beyond, there is no ecstasy, and therefore it lacks the essence. But the intellectual approach does occasionally produce a different take on the existing pop styles, brings in a touch of class. In the end of the nineties, they gave us French house, which was pretty cool. And the coolest were of course Daft Punk, with their spacesuits and electro-funky sound. In 2000 they hooked up with one of the main phenomena in the pop culture of the last two decades – Japanese manga (comics) and anime (animation) – and created a concept album that was accompanied by an anime movie. It was okay, but a tad pointless, and after that I've had enough of French house. Nevertheless, one more time.

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